Join The Movement

Licensable TV operating systems enable new business models and provide great potential to TV brands, content providers and advertisers.

TV Brands & OEMs

Looking for a smart, simple and affordable TV OS for your smart TV or projector product line? Look no further! License Whale TV to power your easy-to-use TV devices, so you don’t have to develop and maintain your own OS. We all know how hard that is, don’t we? With millions of active devices around the globe and 400+ TV brand partners, Whale TV is a tried-and-tested solution. Our platform supports all global TV standards and is localized for worldwide deployment, making it a great choice for TV brands.

Whale TV is an independent TV OS already entertaining millions of households every day. We don’t compete with our partners on either hardware or entertainment. We also share monetization revenue with our partners to help generate additional revenue streams.

Content Providers

With millions of active TVs around the world, Whale TV presents content providers with an exciting opportunity to find new and engaged viewers. Onboarding is simple. We can launch your existing apps on Whale TV, making it a significantly lighter lift compared to other platforms. Only want to distribute your entertainment and don’t have your own streaming service? No problem! We can integrate your entertainment slate into Whale TV+

Whale TV enables content providers to develop and nurture an engaged audience through premium placements throughout our TV OS and discovery features, like our AI-powered recommendation engine and universal search feature.

Brands & Advertisers

For TV ad buyers, connected TV advertising is no longer just an option; it’s a must! With advanced targeting and measurement features, we enable brands to reach engaged consumers around the world, On the Whale TV platform, there are endless display and video advertising opportunities, both in-stream and on the home screen.

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